Instagram Reels is the Future of Social Marketing
Instagram marketing has grown increasingly popular in recent years. The Reels feature takes can take your small business marketing to the next level.
The idea behind Instagram Reels is for brands to create a post that shares their product or service informally and clearly to the audience, just as if a friend was telling them about it. Using this engaging form of content lays the foundations for building the know, like, and trust factor that encourages consumers to do business with the creator.
With the popularity explosion of this type of content on Instagram's nemesis competitor TikTok, Instagram has boldly declared that they are now prioritizing their own Reels' content over traditional static images and story posts in an effort to transform the platform to predominantly video. We're going to start seeing more and more companies using this service. It's a clever way of getting their message out there without being too invasive or aggressive about it.
So, what does this mean for you as a business owner? To put it bluntly, if your primary demographic is using Instagram as their main source for social media, you're going to have to get on board to stay relevant. The Pros of Using Instagram Reels
Instagram has a ton of benefits for both the business and the consumer. It makes it easy to share your content with a larger audience, which increases reach. It also provides a platform to create authentic connections with your customers by sharing their content as well as supporting their business in return.
This year alone, Instagram has over one billion monthly active users and is able to provide businesses with analytics on what people liked about their posts, which they can then use to optimize their content strategy. Here's what you need to know to get started using Instagram Reels for marketing your business.
How To Use Instagram Reels For Business
This comprehensive tutorial by Jerry Potter of Five Minute Social Media gives you a great overview of the features and how to create 30 second Reels that are entertaining and sharable.
For those more pressed for time that want to get their Reels up and running quickly, here's a five-step, in-depth tutorial to ideate, produce, edit, optimize, and publish Instagram Reels in 10 minutes or less, from Instagram expert Natasha Samuel.
Having trouble finding inspiration for creating Instagram Reels for your products? Here are 13 Reel Ideas to make more sales and grow your product business on Instagram from YouTube creator Elise Darma:
Now that you've got the basics, it's time to add some sizzle and make your Reels unique and memorable with Elise's favorite editing apps outside of Reels that will help you place text in Reels, caption Reels, and add music to Reels:
Now you're armed and dangerous and ready to create! Before you go, Jade of We Side Hustle shares her discoveries for how to understand and crack the Instagram algorithm so you can maximize your skills start growing your reach through Reels:
There you have it, five steps to help you master Instagram Reels and start growing your reach, following, and sales. If you've gotten value out of today's post, tag on us Instagram @rebekahandco when you make your new Reels so we can share!
To get a highly customized marketing plan for your unique business so you can start implementing all of these great tips, schedule your Laser Marketing Strategy Session with Rebekah here.